
Google Computer Programming Classes

Every student deserves the chance to explore, advance, and succeed in computer science

Four Girls watching a Laptop, laughing on a Classroom

More than 65% of young people will work in jobs that don't currently exist 1. Learning computer science skills helps students thrive in a rapidly changing world. Yet our research with Gallup shows that many students aren't getting the Computer Science (CS) education they need—and teachers don't have sufficient resources to provide it. Code with Google helps to ensure that every student has access to the collaborative, coding, and technical skills that unlock opportunities in the classroom and beyond–no matter what their future goals may be.

  • Explore our programs
Four Girls watching a Laptop, laughing on a Classroom

Ignite students' futures during CSEdWeek, December 6-12

Join us in celebrating Computer Science Education Week with fun, free activities made for students of all ages and abilities. Try an Hour of Code™, watch an Ignite Experience live stream, or have a Google volunteer join your class to share their experiences using CS skills throughout their life and career.

  • Visit CSEdWeek

What you can do with Code with Google

Helping educators give their students confidence in CS, advance their skills, and prepare them for the future.

Computer science opens up possibilities for every student

CS First is a free computer science curriculum that anyone can teach. Designed for students ages 9-14 of all interests and experience levels, students learn collaboration and core computer science concepts as they create their own projects. Educators lead the way with easy-to-use lesson plans, tutorials, activities, and resources.

  • เริ่มต้นกับ CS First
Finger Pointing to a laptop screen

"The step-by-step videos allow all students to experience success. Also, teachers don't need to be proficient in coding to start using the platform."

Finger pointing at a webpage on a screen

"Grasshopper showed me that no matter what, or who, or how I look, anyone can learn how to code. It opens up a whole new world for me."

Ismael, Grasshopper user

A beginner coding app for any student

With the Grasshopper app, complete beginners can easily learn coding fundamentals for free. In as little as 5 minutes a day, students can complete fun lessons and visual puzzles on their phone to build their coding skills.

  • Learn JavaScript with Grasshopper

Nurture passions in technology

The Computer Science Summer Intensive (CSSI) is a three-week introduction to computer science (CS) for graduating high school seniors seeking to inspire the innovators of tomorrow — especially those from historically underrepresented groups in the field. It's an intensive, interactive, hands-on, and fun program supporting the study of CS, software engineering, and other closely-related subjects.

  • Connect your students
Finger pointing at a webpage on a screen

"The people I met at CSSI have become some of my best friends. We all support each other through the stresses of school, interviews, and life in general. I continue to be amazed by their warmth, humility, and brilliance."

CSSI Participant

Explore Code with Google programs

  • Enhance any subject
  • Add or Augment CS curriculum
  • Encourage self-directed learning
  • Find scholarships and opportunities

Find scholarships and opportunities

Help students find new experiences and opportunities to advance their skills.


Generation Google Scholarship

Financial support and community building for historically underrepresented groups in tech. Awarded based on students' impact on diversity, leadership, and academic background.

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Summer Program


A three-week introduction to computer science for graduating high school students from historically underrepresented groups.

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Student Training in Engineering Program

STEP, A twelve-week internship focused on providing development opportunities to first and second year undergraduate students with a passion for computer science.

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Improving equity and access

Creating opportunities for more students to learn computer science

Through community-based programs and philanthropy, Google works to connect students from underrepresented groups to computer science education and to connect them to the tools they need to build skills for their futures.

  • Check out the organizations we support

Google Computer Programming Classes


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