
Importance of Studying Computer Programming

Having a background in mathematics or computer science is not a requirement these days for those interested in coding. Read more to find out why you should learn BASIC programming!

Learning the fundamentals of BASIC programming can set you apart from your counterparts, giving you a competitive edge in a technology-driven world. Even if you are not planning a career in computer science, you can gain a lot from the knowledge of this easy to learn programming language!

What is BASIC Programming?

With a long history in the field of computer science, BASIC (Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) programming has been used to simplify communication between the programer and the computer. It was developed in 1963 as a teaching language at Dartmouth by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz and has since been widely imitated and altered.

Many people take beginner coding courses in BASIC programming because they are excited by computers, websites, or mobile applications and are drawn to the analytic thinking behind them. With software becoming so ingrained in the functionality of societies, knowledge of the codes and languages used to develop them is becoming more and more common. And, BASIC is the perfect language to give you a jump-start to your programming education.

Source: Unsplash

Hundreds and thousands of programming languages are used today, all based on the fundamentals of BASIC, and are expected to expand in both their diverse functionalities and in the number of languages available. Knowledge of languages used by programmers can provide some very useful benefits, like refined analytic skills and clear, concise communication.

BASIC is a high-level language which allows the programmer to access simpler, more consolidated data and actions, rather than presenting raw data directly from the source. Though it can be less efficient than low-level languages, BASIC programming emphasizes symbols, which is very useful for beginners.

You may be interested in a career in computer science or programming, in which case a traditional two- or four-year degree in computer science might be most suitable. Though, for those who are interested but unsure about making such an impactful career decision, try a beginner's course or webinar to get a feel for the subject matter. Whether you plan to become an expert or are simply interested to learn a new language, learning BASIC might be the start of your next career boost!

Source: Unsplash

Why should you learn BASIC programming?

1. Easy to learn

Time Magazine has stated that knowing a computer programming language can be good for you, and that it is a shame more people don't have this knowledge. Even former President Obama has issued a video urging young people to take up programming, as "learning these skills isn't just important for your future, it's important for our country's future".

By starting with BASIC, you can create a framework for yourself to learn additional languages like C, C++, and Java. If you are currently working as an independent contractor, you will be able to maintain your flexible schedule with more time for your personal interests. And, as a highly demanded specialization, there is ongoing need for coders and programmers across almost every industry and a huge variety of business applications.

2. Enhanced problem solving skills

Knowledge of computer languages enhances mathematical and logical reasoning and can be learned surprisingly quickly. These deduction skills will help you in all areas of your life, like making decisions and solving complex problems.

BASIC programming was originally designed as a programming language used to teach people how to program, which makes it the perfect starting point for your computer science education. Once you've mastered the fundamentals, try expanding into Visual Basic programming (developed by Microsoft), one of the most widely used programming systems in the history of computer software.

Source: Unsplash

3. Transferable skills across almost any industry

Are you passionate about computer science but can't seem to decide on a specialty? Talk to a program advisor or mentor about your own career prospects.

If you are someone who enjoys coding and wants to further your education in computer science, you might be interested in University of the People. With degrees offered 100% online, students who are already working can maintain their flexible schedules. And, the tuition-free model benefits students around the world, reducing the chances of getting into student debt later in life.

The two professors who developed BASIC programming believed that computer literacy would be an essential skill in the upcoming years, and designed the language to be as accessible and understandable as possible. BASIC has dramatically influenced the computer science field, raising the need for coding knowledge in pretty much every area of our modern lives.

4. Opportunities for invention and innovation

With more than 4 billion users on the internet, the application of computer coding is more important than ever. And, the computer science field attracts some of the most talented minds around the world. Graduates from programming or computer science courses secure rewarding and unique career opportunities in various fields, like environment, medicine, gaming, business operations and finance.

5. Internationally diverse network

Computer scientists are known as an internationally diverse group. In the UK alone, research shows that around 20,000 computer scientists working in the country come from overseas. By entering a coding or programming course, you will be introduced to different cultures and even finish university with an international network of contacts.

Programming is an international language, with various computer codes being implemented around the world in relation to a variety of applications and companies. Check for opportunities that interest you outside of your home country. A semester or a year abroad will provide you with unique insight into how technology is used around the world, a chance to be exposed to differing cultures and to learn new languages.

Source: Unsplash

6. Career opportunity and flexibility

The demand for computer programming knowledge is growing. Recent graduates in the computer science field earn, on average, pretty significant starting salaries. Compared to social science and humanities majors, for instance, computer science majors earn a 71% higher starting salary. NACE (The National Association of Colleges and Employers) reported some of the highest starting salaries earned by graduates of bachelor degree programs:

  • Software developers – $69,000
  • Compute programmers – $61,700
  • Information security analysts – $55,100

If you are an independent contractor, you can benefit from a flexible schedule and a comfortable work environment. Many programmers choose to work with individuals on a project-by-project basis in order to earn extra cash during their free time. Even if you are still learning basic programming, try to start getting some hands-on experience while you have the time and energy!

Why should children learn BASIC programming?

One benefit of learning how to code at a young age is enhanced academic performance. Even elementary schools use technology in the classroom for testing and other activities. Learning how this technology works will prepare children for a quickly advancing world in which computers and smartphones are utilized for almost every function of our daily lives.

Computational thinking is the ability to logically communicate your thoughts in a structured manner. This type of thought process trains problem solving skills that are replicated later in life, much like the memory of a computer. Software engineers, computer programmers, and logistics specialists all use this method, combining advanced mathematics, algorithm development and logic.

Source: Unsplash

Like any language (spoken or written), it is easier to learn earlier in life. Computer languages teach us logical skills in thinking, processing, and communicating. Combined with creative visions, some of the most influential products were designed around a programming language. And, the best inventions are born where skill and creativity meet. After all, who is better than the young generations of the world to imagine the future of our technology?

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